Monday, October 4, 2010

Five or six months ago I gained a new friend Johannes. He works at Pick n Pay as a “Life-Style Nutrition Specialist”. The little man does not fall short in the communication department of his personality, and over the months we became great friends and he told me about his dream. Johannes wants to open his own gym in the township. He wants children off the street. Teaching them about important things in life and religion, he wants to keep them on the right track through exercise and ensuring that they look after their health. I immediately asked him how I can help and so the planning started. I could not wait to start helping Johannes making his dream become reality.
So our journey started…
Went back to my office and spoke to my boss Chris de Beer. I told him about Johannes and his dream and how I want to help him. Mr. De Beer then gave me the go ahead and said that his company Bio-Anabolics will come to the party and make sure that this show will be a great success.
The venue got booked, the pamphlets printed, all the sponsorship equipment arranged.
Saturday the 9th the show will kick off at 9am at “Word Alive Church” in Mmotla Village. Will keep you updated with photos after the weekend. If there is anybody that would like to join the event, please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. hey DK, i wish you guys all the best in making it a success. i know you'll perform as always, and will not disappoint. oooo-rah!!!
